
5 Handy Tips for Air Compressor Maintenance

As you may know, air compressor maintenance is an essential part of owning an air compressor.

Why? Well, maintaining your compressor will increase its lifespan and ensure it performs efficiently. In the long run, this will also help you reduce the operational cost of your compressor.

Unfortunately, many people are not aware of these benefits. The reason is simple: most standard air compressors don’t require daily upkeep. In this scenario, it’s easy to forget that they do need to be serviced from time to time.

Here are some air compressor tips that any owner should know about.

1. Read the Manual

Let’s start with the obvious one: read the owner’s manual.

Every manual will have a collection of maintenance tips that you may never figure out by yourself. These simple tips will help you get the most out of your investment. Plus, you’ll know what to do if the compressor breaks down.

Also, the manual will tell you everything there’s to know about your compressor’s warranty. If you don’t follow the rules, you’re running the risk of accidentally voiding the warranty.

2. Drain Moisture From the Tanks

While your air compressor tank is doing its job, it will also collect moisture. If you live in a humid climate, the water accumulation will be even higher. This moisture should be periodically drained.

Fortunately, the process is quite simple. In fact, each air compressor has a valve specifically designed for this task. Before draining the water, remember to release the air pressure from the receiver.

3. Clean the Heat Exchanger

The main purpose of the heat exchanger is to reduce the operating temperatures of your air compressor. Over time, the scaling in the cooling system can cause the exchanger to clog up.

Needless to say, a dirty heat exchanger won’t do its job efficiently. To prevent this from happening, clean the exchanger on a regular basis. This will keep the temperatures down and increase the life expectancy of your machine.

4. Check the Hoses

Hoses are an integral part of any air compressor. A cracked or corroded hose is sure to start leaking, which puts a strain on the machine.

When it comes to this particular maintenance task, it pays to be proactive. As soon as you notice signs of wear or creasing, replace your hose immediately. Much like most air compressor parts, the hoses can be safely purchased online.

5. Test the Safety Shut-Off System

Most compressors come with certain safety shutdown features. If the compressor gets too hot or the oil pressure is too low, this safety system will shut off your machine.

If you want to make sure the safety system is in good condition, you can run a compressor check. The exact details of the procedure should be outlined in your manual.

More on Air Compressor Maintenance

Following these air compressor maintenance tips will help you prevent any unplanned breakdowns. Plus, your compressor should be working faster and more productively.

Interested in learning more about the various air compressor applications? Want to make sure you’re getting enough value out of your investment? Go ahead and take a look at our blog!
