(Electric Driven)
21.6 scfm (36.7 m3/hr)/ 5000 psi (345 bar)
(Three Phase 50 or 60 Hz)
High capacity breathing air compressor system designed for total efficiency.
The Max-Air® 180 Twin is designed specifically for fire departments, dive centers, industrial, marine, police and military applications who demand high volume with fail-safe redundancy.
Consisting of two, totally independent, air systems in one fully enclosed sound attenuated cabinet. You will not find a more compact 18.0 F.A.D., 21.6 scfm compressor anywhere!
The Max-Air® 180 Twin offers two 9.0 F.A.D per system for a total of 21.6 scfm (36.7 m3/hr)** available capacity. This unique design ensures you will ALWAYS have air. Operate one system when your demand is low and save on electrical costs or operate both systems when demand is high.
These units will give you years of dependable service at a price you can afford.
Don’t forget to look at our ACCESSORIES!